New Balance sponsored athlete and Pan Am bronze medallist, Rachel Hannah leads a jam-packed life. We asked Rachel to share her top training and nutrition tips to maximize your fitness goals.

What is your go-to meal or snack before a gruelling workout?
When heading out for a training session after a long workday, I need something to cure my hunger pains. I eat a Clif Bar plus some type of fruit (usually a banana, grapes, or cantaloupe). This pre-workout snack leaves me feeling satisfied and energized thanks to the combination of protein and carbohydrates.

What is the one health food trend you’d like to see go away?
The low- or no-carb trend needs to go, since carbohydrates are the main fuel source for our body. When you make quality carbohydrate choices — like fruit, vegetables, whole grains, unsweetened yogurt, milk, and legumes — you are also getting quality vitamins, minerals, and other important nutrients essential for good health.

Top 3 guilty pleasure foods?
I. Maple syrup — I keep it close to my Canadian heart.
II. Menchie’s frozen yogurt — if it’s good enough for the Hollywood A-listers...
III. Chocolate powdered peanut butter — what can be better than chocolate and peanut butter combined?

Best advice for someone training for their first marathon?
It is extremely important to have proper footwear when you start to increase your mileage. Visit the professionals at a New Balance store for a proper assessment to ensure you get the right pair of shoes that are comfortable, stylish, and will keep you healthy during your runs.