Arthritis affects one in eight people. Without research this number is expected to double within the next generation, resulting in 10 million people across the country suffering from debilitating pain and limited mobility.  Researchers at the McCaig Institute for Bone and Joint Health understand the impact of arthritis on the individual and on society. 

Research in motion

Early and accurate diagnosis is now possible through innovative methods. MRI and CT imaging and high resolution scanning are used to detect early onset of disease. The discovery of protein markers in blood to detect progression of several autoimmune diseases has led to the development of patient-specific profiles that allow for early diagnosis and intervention, impacting the long-term outcomes for the patient. This discovery has also led to the development of an early diagnostic tool for arthritis, the first in the world.  State of the art equipment using high speed X-rays to study human motion clarifies how mobility is altered by injury and disease,  and is helping us to generate new interventions. 

Our researchers are augmenting their efforts by developing the Mobility and Joint Health Facility. This clinical facility will combine powerful technologies including biomarker analysis, motion analysis, and advanced diagnostic imaging, making this the only facility of its kind on the world. 

It’s important to forge forward and put into practice discoveries and new innovations quickly to improve Canadians’ health and wellness.