Healthy Ears Start With Hygiene
Education and Advocacy How to ensure your ears are in good shape.
To clean the outer ear, use a damp soft wash cloth, alcohol based wipes, or a cotton swab such as a Q-tip. You should ONLY use the Q-tip for the outer ear. If inserted, it may push wax further into the canal causing impaction. Do not use household objects or anything sharp such as car keys, pens or toothpicks to clean the ear.
"Softeners such as baby oil, mineral oil or olive oil can be used safely to help loosen the wax."
A small amount of ear wax is healthy to have in the ear canal. Ear wax is naturally produced to protect your eardrum from potential hazards such as unwanted bacteria, insects and water. Sometimes excessive build-up can occur. Softeners such as baby oil, mineral oil or olive oil can be used safely to help loosen the wax.
If this proves ineffective, an appointment with your hearing specialist or physician to have the excess wax removed should be made.